Radio Controlled Parts Clearance Sale
RC Car Parts
Check out our Radio Controlled Clearance Sale for a wide selection of RC parts online.
The process of controlling a device remotely using radio waves is known as Radio Control or RC.
Uses: RC is used in toys, also known as radio-controlled or remote-controlled, self-powered toys. These toys are controlled remotely through a radio remote. The transmitter emits an exact quantity of electrical pulses in response to our push of the control, which is then transmitted across the air.
The remote control is also used in operating consumer electronics, including television sets, DVD players, and other home appliances. Devices that are difficult to use directly with controls can be controlled using a remote control. They work best when applied at close range.
Instructions for use:
Radio Controlled devices should not be dismantled by an unauthorised person as this could cause damage to the device.
When there is a strong disturbance or a thunderstorm, avoid using the system.
After using RC, turn off the receiver's power source and take the emergency key out.
Keep transformers, motors, and umbilical cables away from the receiver to prevent interference from other signals.
We offer remote control car parts from various brands that include Model Engines, Tamiya, Great Vigor RC Parts, HBX, and KYOSHO. Within RC car accessories we offer Dean’s Plugs, Spare RC Car parts such as front Suspension Arm Set, Quattro X Camera, TT-01 P Parts, Metal Motor Mount, and 4 Way Buggy Wrench.
Check out our model car kits, model engines, and model steam engine kits to go with RC parts and enrich your model building experience.